ScreenMaster features

Often, some users ask a question - how to take screenshots from the screen in the automatic mode? If you don't have the special software, you should press PrintScreen key on your keyboard for each screenshot, then open a graphical editor, paste the screenshot, cut the desired area of the screen, enter the filename while saving. If you need to capture multiple screenshots this method is inconvenient and ineffective.
For these reasons, you can use ScreenMaster. This is the special application for quick auto screenshot capture.
ScreenMaster features:
Program allows automatic screen capture at certain time intervals.
The desktop can be captured in several ways, either full screen, active window or a certain area.
Convenient menu in system tray
For multi-monitor system you can choose one or all displays to screencapture
Quick screenshot capture by pressing a hotkey including "PrintScreen"
Saving images into files with automatic numeric names or with addition of the creation time
Option to manual selecting the path and name of the screenshot file after capture ("Save as.." request)
The user can sets the ScreenMaster to start together with OS Windows
Automatic opening of the captured screenshot in the MS Paint
The run auto screen capture after start of the application
Automatic cleaning of the old screenshots
The limit of the maximum size of the screenshots folder
User can choose the graphical format (BMP, JPG, PNG) and the quality of the captured image
General settings for all users or personal settings to each user
Saving the events in the log files
Unregistered version of ScreenMaster has the some limitations
Auto screenshot capture with the specified time interval
ScreenMaster can automatically take screenshots after a specified period of time. Depending on the settings, screenshots are automatically saved to the specified folder with names corresponding to the time of their creation or with addition of a increment number of the screenshot. Also you can save into a single file with overwriting.
Interval of periodic screenshot capture from 1 second to 1 hour.
During automatic shooting, timeline bar is displayed counting the time to the next capture:
Convenient menu in the system tray
Automatic screenshot file naming
Automatic file naming allows to capture screenshots quickly, without distracting to manual selection of the path and filename.
The folder to save screenshots and prefix of the file names is set in the following fields:
Screenshot capture from the rectangular area, active window or full screen
"Rectangular area" option allows you to capture the screenshot from the specified area of the screen. To do this, hold down the left mouse button and select an area to be captured. After selecting the area the image will be saved to file or copied to the clipboard.
Automatic cleaning of screenshots

There are two functions for automatic cleaning of the screenshots:
Delete old files older than a specified age
Limitation of the folder size to store screenshots on the harddisk
Limitations of the unregistered version:
Free trial period for the application is 30 days.
The maximum number of screenshots captured in the automatic mode is 1000.